“I firmly believe that considerable expansion of synthetic products, coupled with new portfolio management technologies, triggers poorly researched effects on primary assets during times of crisis by creating new interactions between them.”

Léonard Cohen
Founding Partner, Chairman & CEO, CIO

With its innovative Risk Matrix, Ginjer AM measures the strength of interactions between primary assets and synthetic products around the world.

By developing the New Risks Matrix, Ginjer AM has established an invaluable map of market risks that can be used to determine how real the danger is in any situation and to separate fear (epidermal reactions) from systemic risks.


— 1 —
The development of information and communication technologies and networks has sharply accelerated data transmission.
— 2 —
Financial innovation has provided investors with new, more or less complex synthetic tools that allow each investor to instantly take action.
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The promoters of these products are a new type of financial player, one capable of making powerful moves on the markets.
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Their aim is to hedge their commitments subject to a liquidity constraint.
— 5 —
This hedging process is systematic and can therefore be easily spotted.
These interactions are new, mechanical risks. We assess the intensity of these risks in real time for 49 countries and 600 stocks using the Matrix.

Website created by Advence Com 2022.

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